The CSS z-index Issue with Dropdown Menu in Laravel Project using intl-tel-input Library: A Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing the Problem
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The CSS z-index Issue with Dropdown Menu in Laravel Project using intl-tel-input Library: A Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing the Problem

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Are you tired of dealing with the notorious CSS z-index issue that affects the dropdown menu in your Laravel project when using the intl-tel-input library? You’re not alone! Many developers have struggled with this problem, but fear not, for this article is here to provide a comprehensive solution to this frustrating issue.

Understanding the Problem

The intl-tel-input library is a popular solution for formatting and validating phone numbers in web applications. However, when used in conjunction with dropdown menus in Laravel projects, it can cause the dropdown menu to appear behind the input field, making it impossible to select an option. This issue is caused by the z-index property, which controls the stacking order of elements on a web page.

The Causes of the Problem

There are two main reasons why the CSS z-index issue occurs in Laravel projects using the intl-tel-input library:

  • Incorrect z-index values: The intl-tel-input library sets a high z-index value for its container element, which causes it to appear on top of the dropdown menu.
  • Positioning issues: The dropdown menu is positioned relative to its parent element, which can cause it to appear behind the input field when the intl-tel-input library is used.

Solving the Problem

Now that we’ve identified the causes of the problem, let’s dive into the solutions. Follow these step-by-step instructions to fix the CSS z-index issue with the dropdown menu in your Laravel project:

Step 1: Update the intl-tel-input Library

The first step is to update the intl-tel-input library to the latest version. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

composer require intl-tel-input/intl-tel-input

Step 2: Add Custom CSS

Next, you need to add custom CSS to override the z-index values set by the intl-tel-input library. Create a new CSS file in your Laravel project’s public directory, and add the following code:

.intl-tel-input {
  z-index: 1 !important;

.dropdown-menu {
  z-index: 1000 !important;

This code sets the z-index value of the intl-tel-input container element to 1, and the z-index value of the dropdown menu to 1000. The !important flag is used to ensure that these values override any existing styles.

Step 3: Update the Laravel Blade Template

Now, you need to update your Laravel Blade template to include the custom CSS file and modify the dropdown menu’s positioning. Update your template as follows:

<div class="form-group">
  <label for="phone">Phone:</label>
  <input type="tel" class="form-control" id="phone" name="phone">
  <div class="dropdown-menu" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1000">
      @foreach($countries as $country)
        <li><a href="#">{{ $country->name }}</a></li>

In this updated template, we’ve added the custom CSS file and modified the dropdown menu’s positioning to absolute, with a z-index value of 1000.

Step 4: Verify the Solution

Finally, verify that the solution works by running your Laravel project and checking the dropdown menu. You should now be able to select an option from the dropdown menu without it appearing behind the input field.

Additional Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to help you customize the solution to fit your specific needs:

Using a Different Z-Index Value

If you’re using a different UI framework or library, you may need to adjust the z-index values accordingly. For example, if you’re using Bootstrap, you may need to set the z-index value of the dropdown menu to 1070, which is the default z-index value for Bootstrap’s dropdown menus.

Adding a CSS Class to the Dropdown Menu

Instead of modifying the dropdown menu’s positioning and z-index value directly, you can add a custom CSS class to the dropdown menu and define the styles in your CSS file. For example:

.dropdown-menu-custom {
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 1000;

Then, update your Laravel Blade template to include the custom CSS class:

<div class="form-group">
  <label for="phone">Phone:</label>
  <input type="tel" class="form-control" id="phone" name="phone">
  <div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-custom">
      @foreach($countries as $country)
        <li><a href="#">{{ $country->name }}</a></li>

Using JavaScript to Fix the Issue

If you prefer a JavaScript-based solution, you can use the following code to fix the issue:

  $(document).ready(function() {
    $('.dropdown-menu').css('z-index', 1000);

This code uses jQuery to set the z-index value of the dropdown menu to 1000 when the document is ready.


In conclusion, fixing the CSS z-index issue with the dropdown menu in Laravel projects using the intl-tel-input library requires a combination of updating the library, adding custom CSS, and modifying the Laravel Blade template. By following these step-by-step instructions, you should be able to resolve the issue and ensure that your dropdown menu appears correctly.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still experiencing issues with the dropdown menu, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve the problem:

  • Check the z-index values of other elements on the page to ensure that they’re not conflicting with the dropdown menu.
  • Verify that the custom CSS file is being loaded correctly and that the styles are being applied to the dropdown menu.
  • Inspect the HTML elements using the browser’s developer tools to identify any positioning or z-index issues.

Final Thoughts

In this article, we’ve covered the CSS z-index issue with the dropdown menu in Laravel projects using the intl-tel-input library and provided a comprehensive solution to fix the problem. By following these instructions and tips, you should be able to resolve the issue and ensure that your dropdown menu appears correctly.

Keyword Description
CSS z-index issue A common problem in web development where elements overlap due to incorrect z-index values.
intl-tel-input library A popular JavaScript library for formatting and validating phone numbers.
Laravel project A PHP web framework for building robust and scalable web applications.

We hope this article has been helpful in resolving the CSS z-index issue with the dropdown menu in your Laravel project using the intl-tel-input library. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “CSS z-index issue with dropdown menu in Laravel project using intl-tel-input library” :

Frequently Asked Question

Get the solutions to the most common issues with CSS z-index and dropdown menus in Laravel projects using the intl-tel-input library.

Why does my dropdown menu go behind other elements when using intl-tel-input library in my Laravel project?

This issue usually occurs when the z-index of the dropdown menu is not high enough to overlap other elements on the page. Try setting the z-index of the dropdown menu to a higher value, such as 9999, to ensure it appears on top of other elements.

How do I adjust the z-index of the intl-tel-input dropdown menu in my Laravel project?

You can adjust the z-index of the intl-tel-input dropdown menu by adding a CSS style to the dropdown container element. For example, you can add the following code to your CSS file: `.intl-tel-input .flag-dropdown { z-index: 9999; }`. This will set the z-index of the dropdown menu to 9999.

What if I have multiple elements with high z-index values on my page? Will the dropdown menu still appear on top?

If you have multiple elements with high z-index values on your page, the dropdown menu may not appear on top even if you set its z-index to a high value. In this case, you can try setting the z-index of the parent element of the dropdown menu to a higher value, or use a CSS positioning trick like `position: relative` and `z-index: 1` on the parent element to create a new stacking context.

Can I use CSS position: fixed to solve the z-index issue with my dropdown menu?

Yes, using CSS `position: fixed` can help solve the z-index issue with your dropdown menu. By setting the position to fixed, the dropdown menu will be removed from the normal document flow and will appear on top of other elements. However, be careful when using `position: fixed` as it can also cause issues with scrolling and other layout elements.

Are there any other solutions to the z-index issue with intl-tel-input dropdown menu in Laravel projects?

Yes, another solution is to use a CSS library like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS, which provides built-in classes for managing z-index and stacking contexts. You can also try using JavaScript to dynamically adjust the z-index of the dropdown menu based on the scrolling position of the page or other factors.

Let me know if this meets your requirements!