Variation in the Total Number of Samples when Performing Multiple Fisher Exact Tests: A Comprehensive Guide [Migrated]
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Variation in the Total Number of Samples when Performing Multiple Fisher Exact Tests: A Comprehensive Guide [Migrated]

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Welcome to this in-depth article, where we’ll delve into the fascinating world of statistical analysis and explore the intricacies of multiple Fisher exact tests. Specifically, we’ll examine the variation in the total number of samples when performing these tests, and provide you with practical guidance on how to navigate this complex topic.

What is the Fisher Exact Test?

Before we dive into the main topic, let’s take a step back and briefly discuss the Fisher exact test. This statistical test is used to determine whether there’s a significant association between two categorical variables. It’s particularly useful when dealing with small sample sizes or unequal sample sizes, as it provides an exact p-value.

R Code Example:

# Install and load the required package

# Create a contingency table
contingency_table <- matrix(c(10, 15, 20, 25), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
rownames(contingency_table) <- c("Variable A", "Variable B")
colnames(contingency_table) <- c("Category 1", "Category 2")

# Perform the Fisher exact test
fisher_test_result <- fisher.test(contingency_table)

# Print the p-value
print(paste("p-value:", fisher_test_result$p.value))

The Issue with Multiple Fisher Exact Tests

Now that we've covered the basics of the Fisher exact test, let's move on to the main topic: performing multiple Fisher exact tests. When conducting multiple tests, the total number of samples can vary significantly, leading to inconsistent results and inaccurate conclusions. This issue arises from the fact that each test is performed independently, without considering the overall sample size.

Why Does the Total Number of Samples Vary?

The total number of samples varies due to several factors:

  • Sampling without replacement: When sampling from a finite population, the number of samples available for each test decreases as more tests are performed.
  • Unequal sample sizes: When dealing with unequal sample sizes, the number of samples available for each test can differ significantly.
  • Missing data: If there's missing data in the dataset, the number of samples available for each test may vary.

Consequences of Ignoring the Variation in Sample Size

If you don't account for the variation in sample size when performing multiple Fisher exact tests, you may encounter:

  • Increased type I error rates: As the number of tests increases, the likelihood of false positives also increases, leading to inaccurate conclusions.
  • Inflated p-values: Failing to adjust for the sample size variation can result in artificially low p-values, making it more likely to reject the null hypothesis.
  • Inconsistent results: Ignoring the sample size variation can lead to inconsistent results across different tests, making it challenging to draw meaningful conclusions.

Methods for Addressing the Variation in Sample Size

To overcome the challenges associated with multiple Fisher exact tests, you can employ various methods to account for the variation in sample size:

1. Bonferroni Correction

The Bonferroni correction is a simple and widely used method for adjusting the significance level to account for multiple testing. The corrected p-value is calculated by multiplying the original p-value by the number of tests performed.

R Code Example:

# Perform multiple Fisher exact tests
p_values <- c(0.01, 0.005, 0.02, 0.01)

# Apply the Bonferroni correction
corrected_p_values <- p_values * length(p_values)


2. Holm-Bonferroni Method

The Holm-Bonferroni method is a more conservative approach that adjusts the significance level based on the number of tests and the desired family-wise error rate.

R Code Example:

# Perform multiple Fisher exact tests
p_values <- c(0.01, 0.005, 0.02, 0.01)

# Apply the Holm-Bonferroni method
corrected_p_values <- p.adjust(p_values, method = "holm")


3. False Discovery Rate (FDR) Correction

The FDR correction is a more modern approach that aims to control the proportion of false discoveries among the rejected hypotheses.

R Code Example:

# Perform multiple Fisher exact tests
p_values <- c(0.01, 0.005, 0.02, 0.01)

# Apply the FDR correction
corrected_p_values <- p.adjust(p_values, method = "fdr")


Best Practices for Performing Multiple Fisher Exact Tests

To ensure accurate and reliable results, follow these best practices when performing multiple Fisher exact tests:

  1. Plan ahead: Determine the number of tests you'll perform and adjust your significance level accordingly.
  2. Use a correction method: Apply one of the correction methods mentioned above to account for the sample size variation.
  3. Report adjusted p-values: Clearly indicate which p-values have been adjusted for multiple testing.
  4. Interpret results cautiously: Be aware of the limitations of multiple testing and interpret your results in the context of the entire study.


In conclusion, performing multiple Fisher exact tests can lead to varying sample sizes, which can significantly impact the accuracy of your results. By understanding the underlying issues and employing correction methods, you can ensure reliable and consistent outcomes. Remember to follow best practices, and don't hesitate to seek guidance from statistical experts if needed.

Correction Method Description Advantages Disadvantages
Bonferroni Correction Multiplies the p-value by the number of tests Easy to implement, widely used Conservative, may lead to false negatives
Holm-Bonferroni Method Adjusts the significance level based on the number of tests and desired family-wise error rate More powerful than Bonferroni, flexible More complex to implement, requires additional parameters
False Discovery Rate (FDR) Correction Aims to control the proportion of false discoveries Less conservative than Bonferroni, flexible More complex to implement, requires additional parameters

We hope this comprehensive guide has provided you with the necessary knowledge to tackle the challenges of multiple Fisher exact tests and variation in sample size. Happy testing!

Here are 5 questions and answers about "Variation in the total number of samples when performing multiple Fisher exact tests":

Frequently Asked Question

Get your answers to the most frequently asked questions about variation in the total number of samples when performing multiple Fisher exact tests!

Why does the total number of samples vary when performing multiple Fisher exact tests?

This phenomenon occurs because the Fisher exact test is sensitive to the marginal totals of the contingency table, which can change with each test iteration. As a result, the total number of samples appears to vary, even though the underlying data remains the same. This variation can lead to inconsistencies in the test results and make it challenging to interpret the outcomes.

How can I account for this variation when performing multiple Fisher exact tests?

To address this issue, you can use methods that adjust for multiple testing, such as the Bonferroni correction or the Holm-Bonferroni method. These approaches can help you maintain the family-wise error rate (FWER) and reduce the risk of false positives. Additionally, you can consider using alternative methods, like the chi-squared test or logistic regression, which are less sensitive to marginal totals.

Can I use resampling techniques to stabilize the total number of samples?

Yes, resampling techniques like bootstrapping or permutation testing can help stabilize the total number of samples. These methods involve repeatedly sampling from the original data with replacement and recalculating the test statistic. By doing so, you can generate a distribution of sample sizes and account for the variation in the total number of samples.

How do I choose the appropriate method for my specific research question?

When selecting a method, consider the research question, the type of data, and the desired level of precision. If you're dealing with small sample sizes or rare events, the Fisher exact test might be more suitable. For larger datasets, the chi-squared test or logistic regression could be more appropriate. It's essential to evaluate the assumptions and limitations of each method and choose the one that best aligns with your research goals.

What are some common pitfalls to avoid when performing multiple Fisher exact tests?

Be cautious of multiple testing issues, as they can lead to inflated type I error rates. Avoid using the Fisher exact test as a black box, and instead, carefully evaluate the assumptions and results. Additionally, watch out for low cell counts, as they can cause the test to be overly conservative. Finally, consider the research question and the desired level of precision to avoid over- or under-correcting for multiple testing.