Handling Multiple Actors in a Use Case in Clean Architecture and DDD: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Eri - hkhazo.biz.id

Handling Multiple Actors in a Use Case in Clean Architecture and DDD: A Comprehensive Guide

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As developers, we’ve all been there – stuck in a complex use case with multiple actors, wondering how to properly handle them in our Clean Architecture and DDD (Domain-Driven Design) implementation. It’s a common challenge, but fear not, dear reader, for today we’ll explore the ins and outs of managing multiple actors in a use case like a pro!

What are Actors in a Use Case?

In the context of a use case, an actor is an entity that interacts with the system to achieve a specific goal. Actors can be users, systems, or even devices. In a Clean Architecture and DDD approach, actors play a crucial role in defining the boundaries and behaviors of the system.

Why Multiple Actors Matter

In many cases, a single use case involves multiple actors, each with their own set of goals, behaviors, and interactions. For instance, consider an e-commerce platform where multiple actors are involved in the checkout process:

  • Customer (user)
  • Payment Gateway (system)
  • Inventory Management System (system)
  • Shipping Provider (system)

In this scenario, each actor has its own set of responsibilities and interactions with the system, making it essential to handle them properly to ensure a seamless user experience.

Challenges of Handling Multiple Actors

Dealing with multiple actors in a use case can be complex and daunting. Some common challenges include:

  • Managing actor-specific logic and business rules
  • Coordinating interactions between actors
  • Handling actor-specific data and context
  • Avoiding actor-related coupling and dependencies

But don’t worry, we’ll tackle these challenges head-on and explore best practices for handling multiple actors in a use case.

Best Practices for Handling Multiple Actors

1. Define Clear Actor Boundaries

Clearly define the boundaries and responsibilities of each actor in the use case. This will help you identify the specific goals, behaviors, and interactions of each actor.

// Example: Defining actor boundaries
public interface Customer {
  void placeOrder(Order order);
  void updateOrderStatus(OrderStatus status);

public interface PaymentGateway {
  void processPayment(Payment payment);
  void refundPayment(Payment payment);

2. Use Actor-Specific Interfaces

// Example: Using actor-specific interfaces
public interface OrderUseCase {
  void placeOrder(Order order);

public class CustomerOrderUseCase implements OrderUseCase {
  public void placeOrder(Order order) {
    // Customer-specific logic for placing an order

public class PaymentGatewayOrderUseCase implements OrderUseCase {
  public void placeOrder(Order order) {
    // Payment gateway-specific logic for placing an order

3. Implement Actor-Agnostic Business Logic

Implement business logic that is agnostic to specific actors. This will allow you to reuse logic across multiple actors and reduce duplication.

// Example: Implementing actor-agnostic business logic
public class OrderService {
  public void processOrder(Order order) {
    // Actor-agnostic business logic for processing an order

4. Use Dependency Injection

Use dependency injection to provide actor-specific dependencies to the use case. This will help you decouple the actors and make the system more modular.

// Example: Using dependency injection
public class OrderUseCase {
  private final Customer customer;
  private final PaymentGateway paymentGateway;

  public OrderUseCase(Customer customer, PaymentGateway paymentGateway) {
    this.customer = customer;
    this.paymentGateway = paymentGateway;

  public void placeOrder(Order order) {
    // Use actor-specific dependencies to place an order

5. Coordinate Interactions between Actors

Use a coordination mechanism, such as a process manager or a saga, to orchestrate interactions between actors. This will help you manage complex business flows and ensure data consistency.

// Example: Coordinating interactions between actors
public class OrderProcessManager {
  public void placeOrder(Order order) {
    // Coordinate interactions between customer, payment gateway, and inventory management systems


In conclusion, handling multiple actors in a use case in Clean Architecture and DDD requires careful planning, clear boundaries, and a solid understanding of actor-specific logic and interactions. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating a robust, scalable, and maintainable system that can handle complex use cases with ease.

Best Practice Description
Define Clear Actor Boundaries Clearly define the boundaries and responsibilities of each actor in the use case.
Use Actor-Specific Interfaces Create actor-specific interfaces to encapsulate the logic and behavior of each actor.
Implement Actor-Agnostic Business Logic Implement business logic that is agnostic to specific actors.
Use Dependency Injection Use dependency injection to provide actor-specific dependencies to the use case.
Coordinate Interactions between Actors Use a coordination mechanism to orchestrate interactions between actors.

By applying these best practices, you’ll be able to handle multiple actors in a use case with confidence, creating a robust and scalable system that meets the needs of your users.

Final Thoughts

Handling multiple actors in a use case is a complex challenge, but with the right approach, it can be managed effectively. Remember to define clear actor boundaries, use actor-specific interfaces, implement actor-agnostic business logic, use dependency injection, and coordinate interactions between actors. With these best practices, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most complex use cases in your Clean Architecture and DDD implementation.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling to navigate the complexities of handling multiple actors in a use case within the realm of Clean Architecture and Domain-Driven Design (DDD)? Fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got you covered!

How do I identify multiple actors in a use case?

To identify multiple actors in a use case, look for nouns in the problem domain that have agency and perform specific actions. Ask yourself, “Who or what is initiating the interaction, and who or what is being affected?” For instance, in an e-commerce system, both the customer (human actor) and the payment gateway (non-human actor) are involved in the payment process.

How do I design a use case that involves multiple actors with different goals?

When faced with multiple actors and diverse goals, create separate use cases for each actor’s perspective. This will help you define specific actions and goals for each actor, ensuring that their interests are addressed. For example, in a ride-hailing app, you might have one use case for the passenger’s journey ( booking and tracking) and another for the driver’s journey (receiving and fulfilling ride requests).

How do I handle conflicting goals between multiple actors in a use case?

When conflicting goals arise, prioritize the primary actor’s goals and negotiate trade-offs. Identify the actors’ interest, concerns, and priorities to strike a balance. In a hospital management system, for instance, the doctor’s goal of providing quality care might conflict with the administrator’s goal of reducing costs. By understanding both perspectives, you can design a use case that optimizes care while controlling expenses.

Can I use domain events to communicate between multiple actors in a use case?

Yes, domain events can serve as a powerful tool for communication between actors. By publishing domain events, you can notify interested actors about changes or actions that affect them. This enables loose coupling and scalable interactions between actors. In a supply chain management system, for example, a domain event could notify the warehouse actor about a new shipment, triggering the next step in the process.

How do I validate the correctness of a use case involving multiple actors?

To validate the correctness of a use case, engage in collaborative modeling with domain experts and stakeholders. Use tools like event storming, domain storytelling, or example mapping to explore the use case from different actors’ perspectives. This will help ensure that the use case accurately reflects the business process and meets the needs of all involved actors.