Mastering Chezmoi: Configure with Run Script that Doesn’t Appear in Diff
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Mastering Chezmoi: Configure with Run Script that Doesn’t Appear in Diff

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Are you tired of struggling with configuring Chezmoi to exclude specific scripts from appearing in diff? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of configuring Chezmoi with a run script that doesn’t appear in the diff output. Get ready to unlock the full potential of Chezmoi and take your dotfile management to the next level!

What is Chezmoi and Why Do I Need to Configure it?

Chezmoi is a powerful tool for managing dotfiles, allowing you to easily sync and version control your configuration files across multiple machines. However, by default, Chezmoi includes all scripts in the diff output, which can be overwhelming and cluttered. By configuring Chezmoi to exclude specific scripts, you can streamline your workflow and focus on the changes that matter.

Understanding the Problem: Why Scripts Appear in Diff

When you run Chezmoi, it creates a diff output that shows the differences between your current system state and the desired state defined in your dotfiles. By default, all scripts, including those that are not relevant to the configuration changes, are included in the diff output. This can make it difficult to identify the actual changes and make it harder to manage your dotfiles.

Configuring Chezmoi to Exclude Scripts from Diff

Now that we understand the problem, let’s dive into the solution. To configure Chezmoi to exclude scripts from the diff output, you’ll need to create a `.chezmoi.yaml` file in your dotfiles repository. This file will contain the configuration settings that tell Chezmoi what to include or exclude from the diff output.

touch .chezmoi.yaml

In this file, add the following configuration settings:

  - '*.sh'
  - '*.bash'
  - '*.zsh'

This configuration tells Chezmoi to ignore all files with the `.sh`, `.bash`, and `.zsh` extensions, which are commonly used for scripts. You can add or remove extensions as needed to fit your specific use case.

Understanding the `ignore` Directive

The `ignore` directive in the `.chezmoi.yaml` file tells Chezmoi to exclude specific files or patterns from the diff output. This directive can be used to ignore entire directories, specific files, or even file patterns. By using the `ignore` directive, you can fine-tune what Chezmoi includes in the diff output, making it easier to manage your dotfiles.

Running Scripts with Chezmoi

Now that we’ve configured Chezmoi to exclude scripts from the diff output, let’s talk about running scripts with Chezmoi. Chezmoi provides a built-in `run` directive that allows you to execute scripts as part of the configuration process.

  - script2.bash
  - script3.zsh

This configuration tells Chezmoi to execute the ``, `script2.bash`, and `script3.zsh` scripts as part of the configuration process. You can add or remove scripts as needed to fit your specific use case.

Understanding the `run` Directive

The `run` directive in the `.chezmoi.yaml` file tells Chezmoi to execute specific scripts as part of the configuration process. This directive can be used to perform tasks such as setting environment variables, creating symlinks, or even installing software. By using the `run` directive, you can automate complex tasks and make your dotfile management more efficient.

Best Practices for Configuring Chezmoi

Now that we’ve covered the basics of configuring Chezmoi, let’s discuss some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Keep your `.chezmoi.yaml` file organized: Use clear and concise labels for your configuration settings, and keep your file organized with whitespace and indentation.
  • Use specific patterns for ignoring files: Instead of ignoring entire directories, use specific patterns to ignore only the files that are not relevant to your configuration changes.
  • Test your configuration: Before committing your changes, test your configuration to ensure that it’s working as expected.
  • Keep your scripts organized: Use a consistent naming convention for your scripts, and keep them organized in a separate directory or subdirectory.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When configuring Chezmoi, there are a few common pitfalls to avoid:

  1. Not testing your configuration: Failing to test your configuration can lead to unexpected behavior or errors.
  2. Ignoring critical files: Be careful not to ignore critical files or patterns that are essential to your configuration changes.
  3. Over-ignoring files: Ignoring too many files or patterns can lead to Chezmoi missing important changes.
  4. Not keeping your scripts organized: Failing to keep your scripts organized can make it difficult to manage and maintain your dotfiles.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the steps to configure Chezmoi with a run script that doesn’t appear in the diff output. By following these instructions and best practices, you’ll be able to streamline your dotfile management and focus on the changes that matter. Remember to test your configuration, keep your scripts organized, and avoid common pitfalls to ensure success.

Keyword Definition
Chezmoi A powerful tool for managing dotfiles
Diff A comparison of two sets of data, showing the differences between them
Ignore Directive A configuration setting that tells Chezmoi to exclude specific files or patterns from the diff output
Run Directive A configuration setting that tells Chezmoi to execute specific scripts as part of the configuration process

By mastering Chezmoi and configuring it to exclude scripts from the diff output, you’ll be able to take your dotfile management to the next level. Happy configuring!

Here is the FAQ about configuring chezmoi with a run script that doesn’t appear in diff:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your most pressing questions about configuring chezmoi with a run script that doesn’t appear in diff!

How do I configure chezmoi to run a script without showing it in the diff?

You can use the `scripts` directive in your chezmoi configuration file to specify a script to run without including it in the diff. For example, you can add `scripts: [“”]` to your `.chezmoi.toml` file, and chezmoi will run the script when you run `chezmoi apply`.

What if I want to run multiple scripts without showing them in the diff?

No problem! You can specify multiple scripts in the `scripts` directive, separated by commas. For example, `scripts: [“”, “”, “”]`. chezmoi will run each script in order when you run `chezmoi apply`.

Can I specify arguments for the script when running it with chezmoi?

Yes, you can! You can specify arguments for the script by adding them to the `scripts` directive, separated by spaces. For example, `scripts: [“ arg1 arg2”]`. chezmoi will pass `arg1` and `arg2` as arguments to the script when it runs.

What if I want to run a script only when a specific file changes?

You can use the `files` directive in conjunction with the `scripts` directive to specify a script to run only when a specific file changes. For example, `files: [“path/to/file”], scripts: [“”]`. chezmoi will run the script only when the specified file changes.

How do I debug issues with my script when running it with chezmoi?

You can use the `–debug` flag when running `chezmoi apply` to enable debug logging, which can help you troubleshoot issues with your script. You can also use the `chezmoi script` command to run the script in debug mode, which can provide more detailed output.